Thursday, March 3, 2016

Marathon #6 - Rock N Roll New Orleans - 2/28/16

After completing my last marathon (NCR Trail, MD), I had the brilliant idea that I was going to run a 50 miler in April, and the NOLA marathon would fit PERFECTLY  into that training plan.

My training went the way it normally does. Some weeks I do a pretty good job of getting my runs in, some weeks I didn't get ANY runs in. Somewhere in January I decided to scrap the idea of doing a 50 miler. I wasn't getting enough good training runs in and there were some things going on in my life that made things harder (EMT Class, multiple colds, Pat getting sick and going down hill), so I needed to simplify.

What DID keep me motivated for this race was doing it with Team Challenge. I joined this season as a mentor again, and the participants were mostly alumni. As far as mentoring duties, I didn't have a whole lot to do. I sent out my weekly emails, and checked in occasionally, but everyone knew what to do.

It was a little harder joining the team for long runs on Saturdays. They were training for a 1/2 (normal people) and there were 3 of us training for the full.

A month before the race I'm still feeling ok. I got the bulk of my long runs in. I started having problems with my left Achilles tendon. That went on for about 2 weeks, and then suddenly, completely went away... BUT, it came back in my right Achilles tendon even worse. I kept trying to figure out if it was an actual problem, or my pre race brain trying to tell me I was crazy for doing another full. I found that if I taped it up and slowed my pace down, I was mostly ok. I ordered new shoes, as mine had 50 more miles that I usually swap out at.

The week before the marathon was terrible. I did a really bad job coping at life, and had to focus on existing long enough to start feeling better mentally. On Friday morning I wasn't sure I wanted to go to NOLA. But, once again, I remembered WHY I was running this race (CCFA... 1.6 Million people living with Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis) and put my big girl pants on. My new shoes showed up on the Thursday before the race, so on Friday after work, I strapped them on and went for a 3.1 mile run to see how they'd feel... TERRIBLE! I decided I'd wear my OLD shoes to run the race in, as I didn't have the new shoes broken in/lacing figured out yet.

Ari took me to the airport on Saturday morning, and I joined a whole group of my TC teammates. This was SO much better than flying to my destination on my own and joining up with people later (Napa). I sat with Beth and Darren on the plane and we had wine and chatted the whole time.

When we got to NOLA, 4 of us hopped in a van, and the rest took another van to the hotel (too many of us for one vehicle :) Our driver gave us beads and got in on our first selfie :)

We checked in at the hotel and I left a note for my roommate (A girl from the Fairfield West team) and went to lunch with Beth, Darren and Eric. We got back to the hotel and changed to go to the Team Meeting, which was fun and then we went to the Pasta party. I LOVE the pasta party. We had 2 amazing speeches this year and it always brings it home - why we put in the miles and why we raise the money. <3 <3 <3

We went back and I got my  race outfit together. I found out my roomie wasn't staying with me, so I put everything on the other bed. I woke up right on time on Sunday morning, got my outfit together and went downstairs. It was nuts, as usual. I skipped the team picture and got in line at Starbucks for my pre-race sandwich instead.

We used the bathrooms and then stood around for a little bit. I decided I didn't need my sweatshirt in my drop bag, so I ran that back upstairs. Once I got back downstairs, I decided I didn't WANT to check a bag, so I ran the rest of the bag back upstairs. I also ditched my glasses, which landed SOMEWHERE in the room.

When I got back downstairs, I was so frazzled. I started to cry and Beth W hugged me and I started to cry some more. I sucked it up and we all left to go to the start line. everyone seemed so relaxed and then there was me. We were kind of all standing in a circle, and I remembered the laughing yoga from the Potomac River Run Marathon and how silly it was. I got all of our TC people in a circle and told them we were going to do laughing yoga. Basically we raised our arms up in the air, and said AAAAAHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA on the way down. It was so silly, and I don't know if other people liked it or not, but it made me feel better :)

We finally split up to go to our race corrals. I had Beth and Katie W stick with me in corral 14 - right around the 4:45 pace group.

Start - I was right behind the 4:45 pace group. My goal was to stick with them for as long as possible. Within the first mile, they kept dropping behind me, but I was still right on my pace of 10:30. I stopped worrying about them and just ran what felt comfortable while trying not to run faster than 10:30

Mile 1-9 - The road crown was REALLY bad. It made my left knee hurt so I experimented with where to run on the road, it must have been obnoxious to people around me, but I was weaving in and out and passing people pretty steadily anyway

Mile 2.5 - Pink wig lady ran over to take a picture of me :) This was the stretch with all of the old oaks(?) with the Mardigras beads. Pretty cool

Mile 3 - Burke found me. He asked how I was doing and I told him I was fine, 3 miles in... I think I'm good for now. I told him to save his energy for others in our group

Mile 4 - First turnaround of the day

Mile 5 - Saw Beth W at a water stop. I knew she'd been behind me doing her interval thing, but I didn't know we were still so close!! It was awesome getting to see her

Mile 5.5 - saw a penny on the ground. I'm sure it was from Dad or Pat :)

Mile 6 - Guy giving out random ass slaps. GOT my random ass slap :)  I passed a guy in a crawdad outfit; Saw some TC people on the other side of the street!!

Mile 2-10 - every few minutes, I've have a twinge in my left AT. I had only taped the right one, so this made me a little nervous

Mile 7ish?? - Mimosas on the left! I had JUST gotten over to the right (not sure why) and missed it. Dang it!

Mile 8 - took my second walk break. I didn't feel like I needed it, but I did it anyway. I didn't want to burn out at the end like I did at the NCR.

Mile 9 - Passed over Canal street and I looked for Darren, but didn't see him :(

Mile 10 - running down Decatur street was very cool. I laughed to myself when I passed the place where Beth tripped the day before. Then, I was trying to enjoy the journey and I was looking up at one point and the road dipped. Didn't hurt myself, but it scared me. That's what I get for laughing at Beth!

Mile 11 - Grabbed some Vaseline from an aid station.... ooooh, sweet anti chafing Vaseline - my best friend. I also started thinking about how I didn't want to do the full. I COULD just go right at the split and finish the half. My time wouldn't be very good, but I'd be done.

Mile 12 water stop - All of the volunteers were in red dresses. The guy at the end had a red tank top and a red sheer tutu and a red thong... and he bent over to get a cup RIGHT as I came up behind him. TERRIBLE view - had me laughing for awhile.

Mile 12.3 - Marathon/Half Split - I go left on autopilot and WOULD have cussed myself EXCEPT - JELLO SHOTS!! I considered it and then grabbed one. It was terrible and sticky and wonderful.

Mile 13.1 - It took FOREVER to get here. I crossed the mat at 2:20. That meant I had to do the next half in 2:25... yea, doubt it'll happen. OK, moving on.

Mile 13.5 - Went around another turn around and mentally kicked myself b/c I meant to get a salt packet at the aid station.

Mile 14 - MINI MARTINIS!!! I took one. And then I took a mini beer. and then I took some water. It was all delicious!

Mile 14.5 - Now going back around the park where the finish line was. It was a little discouraging to hear the party at the finish line, but not be there.

Mile 15 - before now, I'd had to slow myself down to keep a 10:30 pace. Now it's getting a little harder to keep it there. Marathon mind games - we have to pass the busses that take us home. I could hear the finish line celebration. I thought it was rude to have the full run so close by to where we COULD have been finished. Somewhere in here I also realized that I still have 45 marathons to go before I reach 50 states! WTH am I THINKING!!

Mile 15.5 - Guy on the left offering beer, donuts and Gatorade. I took the beer and Gatorade. I skipped the donut, but wished I had taken one.

Mile 16 - The wheels fell off. I was tired, we were going along a tree lined road... which was nice, but I wasn't going to make my goal time (4:45). I had a mini panic attack, and then got back to it. I walked more than I wanted, but by mile 17 I was back to running what I could.

Mile 14-17 - spandex butt girl - we kept leap frogging, especially after 16 when I started walking more. I finally passed her for good going around the last corner of the park.

Mile 17-21 A couple of hills. Not too bad by Vollmerhausen standards (the road I live on). This part went by Lake Ponchetrain which was BEAUTIFUL!

Mile 19 - I saw Max! We gave each other a hug and that boosted me.

Mile 20.25 - the Turnaround!!! Aaaaaaah yes

Mile 20.5 ish - I saw the 4:45 pace group on the other side - realized they were going to catch me sometime soon. I was ok with that.

Mile 20.75ish - Caught up to Christina's friend - dreadlock guy. I checked on him and suggested he get a salt packet for his cramping.

Mile 20 - I had 67 minutes until 4:45 of running.... OH.MY.GOD! I might be able to hit my goal.

Mile 21 - still working on figuring out the math - math is hard after all this time, but I think I can do it. I cranked out a 10:30 mile, but still walked through the water stop.

Mile 22 - getting ready to leave the neighborhood. I'm still excited thinking I'm going to make my goal of 4:45.

Mile 23 - I'm passing a ton of people. I'm really the only one still running. BUT, I'm getting tired. I should be able to keep up a 11 minute pace and finish 4:45

Mile 23.3 CRAP, I forgot about the .2. I'm NOT going to hit my goal. I'm going to finish in 4:47.

Mile 23.5 I'm TOTALLY OK finishing in 4:47 - it's still 4 minutes faster than my PR.

Mile 24 - Ok, turning into the park. I passed a Team Challenge coach on the corner and they didn't even look in my direction... um... k

Mile 25 - One mile left! Internal cheering. Walked through a water stop, and a girl came up behind me and said, "Let's go". So I went. I promptly left her in the dust (sorry). I turned a slight corner and we're on a popular path (apparently).

Mile 25.5 -  going around another corner, under a bridge and up a little hill. I'd been trying to catch another TC coach. I wanted someone to run with me for a little bit. I NEEDED someone. As I was catching him, he stopped to talk to another TC person and neither of them acknowledged my existence. Fantastic. Thanks guys...

Mile 26 - OH MY GOD. My watch synced up perfectly with the mile marker! It had been off by .12 the last 23 miles! OH MY GOD! I CAN DO IT! I CAN HIT MY GOAL! OH MY GOD! GO, LEGS, GO! I started running as fast as I could (which was hilariously slow in my minds eye). I passed some guy and took a left onto the last bit of the course. The sides were still lined with people. I have no idea if there was anyone from Team Challenge, or if anyone was cheering for me. My goal was the finish line and I had absolute tunnel vision. I crossed the line and looked down to stop my watch. 4:45:30!! OH MY GOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDD! I did it!

I promptly burst into tears. There was a Team Challenge coach waiting at the finish line and she grabbed me, put my medal on me, stuck a water in my hand and told me to drink. Then she dragged me over to the Gatorade table and got my Gatorade situated for me (surprisingly difficult). I hugged her and expressed my undying love to her and she sent me on my way.

I saw Christina's fiancée as soon as I left the exit chute. she was still doing well. He did well. I needed to check in at the TC tent, so I stated hobbling that way. I saw Meghan and hugged her and kept going. I made it to the TC area (as FAR as humanly possible from the finish line) and saw Beth and Sheri and Beth S and others. Beth W. gave me her sandals (love) and Max showed up. I got us some hamburgers and gigundo cookies. I started talking to the guy next to me in a marathon finishers jacket about how he did. THEN I realized he was the top fundraiser and got all girly stupid :) We are now friends on FB :) After a little more chatting with people, Beth S, Max and I went to get our beer and my finishers jacket --- oooooh yea baby!! WILL.RUN.FOR.BLING!

Then we hit the finishers coral to watch Ginger and Christina come in. I LOVE being at the finish line. Cheering people in is SO much fun. You see SO much emotion. Kids ran their moms in, couples held hands, oh, it was great <3

Ginger finished spectacularly right next to the juggling basketball bouncer guy (obnoxiously awesome!) and Christina came in awhile later with Sheri and Kate and Maddy and someone else from TC. I was SO happy for her!! This was her first full marathon and she did great!

I think NOLA was a great race. Very good course support, I LOVED the beers and drinks and beads and silliness of the French Quarter area. I loved the quietness of the Lakeside area. I have too many races to get through to think about doing this one again, but I highly recommend it :)



  1. Way to go Stephy! So proud of you! Love Nicki and Kayden

  2. <3 You ARE AWESOME AND AMAZIG!!!! I smiled, laughed and cried!! Love you!!!
