Monday, October 30, 2017

CA Marathon Training - Week 1

My next marathon in is 16 weeks - In California, on the beach. I will ROCK IT!

Week one didn't go as planned, but that's ok. Week one also coincided with the marathon recovery week. I thought I might have broken or sprained my left pinky toe, so I didn't even wear shoes half of the week. it's better now. I did manage to lose one toenail, the other ones all seem pretty solid.

I'd been kinda of itching to run all week (mostly b/c I knew I couldn't). Yesterday was gross and rainy, but I still wanted to get out there. The training plan had me running 9 miles, but I figured anything was better than nothing. I planned to do the 5 mile loop up by Ari's townhouse. As I was getting ready to go, the rain started coming down again and I was worried I'd lose motivation. Matt was going to his parents for a little bit, and they're about 5 miles from my house, so I hopped a ride with him and planned to run home.

He thought Lake Elkhorn was 1.5 miles from his parents house. It was actually .8. I immediately felt like I was running on air and I was meant to run. The down hills were flying and even the slight inclines were easy. My plan was to run as close to a 10 minute pace as I could for as long as I could. My first mile was 9:48, which turned out to be a PR on my new watch. I'll take it. The second mile was 10:20 and I felt like I was giving a good effort, but also worried about running too hard in the beginning. My stride didn't feel natural, but more like I was slapping my feet on the ground.

I hit 2 miles shortly after the boat dock, so I knew it was going to be closer to 4.5 miles to my house than 5. no biggie. I was watching my watch and thinking I could have a pretty good 5k time for this run. I should hit 3.1 around the next hill and then I could slow down. So I pushed it to the 5k mark and hit it in 31:14, which is also a PR on this watch and a PR for this training season (started in March 2017).

I still felt good, so I kept pushing to see how fast I could finish 4 miles in. I didn't feel too tired. Nothing really hurt. It was AWESOME knowing I was going to finish in 40 something minutes instead of 5 HOURS and 40 something minutes. I hit 4 miles in 41ish minutes and kept pushing.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to do 4.5 and end on the hill by my house, or push up the hill and have to run around the neighborhood for an extra .3 to get to 5 miles. Before I got to the hill, I decided 4.5 was half of the 9 I was supposed to run and that was good. I contemplated taking a right at the trash can to get .2 in on flat ground, but decided not to wimp out on myself and took the hill. I did better than I thought and finished the entire thing in 46 minutes or so. I kept a 10:12 average pace.

I really should have done more of my midweek runs because the speed of shorter runs is a lot more encouraging than the "speed" of long runs.

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